Wix Multilingual: Everything You Need to Know

Wix Multilingual – Everything You Need to Know

As the name suggests, Wix Multilingual allows you to create multiple versions of your site in different languages. You can translate your content either manually or automatically.

During the setup process, you choose your primary and secondary languages, their flags and the relevant locale. You can also decide whether to make the new language available for visitors or keep it hidden until you’re completely finished translating.

Automatic Translation

Wix Multilingual is an easy way to make your website accessible to multiple audiences around the world. It helps you grow your business and attract international visitors by displaying your site in their native language.

Automatically translate your site in one click with the Auto-translate Site option, or manually translate individual elements by using the editor’s translation mode. It’s powered by third-party machine translation services, so the results are fast and accurate.

It also helps you save on translation costs by reducing the amount of time you spend editing your site content. Moreover, it can help you find new customers and build relationships with them from around the world.

You can easily enable this feature from the Settings section in your site’s Editor. Just choose a language and the version of your site you want to display in that language.

Once you’ve enabled the Wix Multilingual feature, you can switch between languages by clicking the Switch Languages panel in your Editor. You can also access this panel from the Multilingual Dashboard.

With the Wix Multilingual app, you can create a website that is available in more than 180 languages, according to the ISO 639-1 standard. This will increase your chances of reaching a global audience and increasing your sales volume.

To get started, you’ll need a Wix account and a site. The first step is to install the Wix Multilingual app on your site.

After that, you’ll need to choose your main and secondary languages and adjust their flags. You can decide whether you want to show your secondary language on your site and how you’d like it to be displayed (as a link or as an icon).

In the next step, you’ll need to add your site content, which includes text, images, and videos. After you’ve added the content, you can start translating it from the Switch Languages panel in your Editor.

Once you’re finished, you can publish your site as usual. This will translate all your changes, so visitors can see the translated version of your site on their desktop, tablet or smartphone.

Manual Translation

Wix Multilingual makes it easy to attract audiences from around the world to your website. By offering your site in multiple languages, you’ll be able to appeal to more visitors and increase your conversions.

It’s not just about translating your site, though – it’s also about creating a unique, tailored experience for your audience. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to expand your business internationally or a blogger who wants to reach new readers, having a translated site will make it easier for people from all over the world to access your content and find out more about what you have to offer.

You can use manual translation on your site to ensure that all text is translated correctly. This includes text that appears in buttons, repeaters, and other elements on your site.

A simple way to do this is to select the language in the “Switch Language” panel on the top of your Editor, click a text element you intend to translate, and then click Edit Translation. You can also use automated website translation for a quicker, more efficient solution.

While many browsers now automatically translate text they detect to be in a different language, this can often be patchy and fail to properly translate important aspects of your website. It’s therefore essential that you don’t let this happen to your site – a true localization strategy will help you ensure that your audience can navigate your website easily, and get the information they need in a language they understand.

For example, if you’re using Wix Stores, you can translate all of the text in your store – from products and categories to checkout pages. However, there are some elements that aren’t directly connected to your store – like SEO metadata – which you’ll have to translate manually.

The best option for those who want a seamless, professional translation solution for their Wix site is to use an online service such as Weglot. You’ll be able to choose from vetted translators to create your translations, and then have the convenience of managing them in one place. The subscription price starts at EUR15 a month.

Apps that Can Be Translated

Wix Multilingual is a great way to display your content in multiple languages, so visitors around the world can enjoy your site. It’s easy to add, and you can manage all of your languages in one place – the Multilingual dashboard.

When you enable Wix Multilingual, it will automatically create duplicate versions of your site in your chosen languages. You can switch between them with a single click, and you can translate them manually or automatically.

You can also add a Google Translate widget to your site, which will allow your customers to instantly translate your content in their preferred language. However, this is not a 100% accurate tool, so it may be better to use a professional translation service.

Weglot is another translation plugin that you can use on your Wix website to offer different language versions of your content. It has a lot of features and can be used as a standalone solution, or alongside a Wix website.

It has a really simple set up process, and the cost is relatively low, so it’s a good option for businesses that want to start creating websites with multiple languages quickly. It has a free trial period and a range of monthly plans that you can choose from, so you can test the waters without investing any money first.

Unlike Google Translate, it has a much stronger artificial intelligence restatement, so you can be sure that your translated texts are correct. It can even be used to edit text that you’ve already entered.

This is a great tool to offer help in any supported language, but you should be aware of the possible risks that it can pose for your site. Firstly, it may contain mistranslations, which could confuse or misinform your readers. Secondly, it’s possible that Google could be using your site’s content in ways you would not want.

In addition, it has a limited number of language versions, which can be frustrating if you have a large number of pages to translate. This is why we recommend a more powerful translation tool such as Memsource, which provides a much higher level of quality assurance.

Apps That Can’t Be Translated

While many features and apps on Wix Multilingual can be translated, some are not. If you’re looking to make a website for your local market or global audience, you may want to consider translating your site or using a translation service like Weglot.

You can translate your site content using Google Translate in the Wix Editor. This is a handy feature, but it can be time consuming if you have several language variations to manage.

Fortunately, Wix has a wizardly powered multilingual dashboard that makes it easy to manage your site’s language variants, ensuring you only show the right content to the right visitors. In addition to managing your site’s translations, you can also add, hide and remove languages as needed.

You can also delve into the Wix Multilingual dashboard to learn which Apps and Elements are best suited for your site’s audience. This can be helpful if you have multiple teams working on your site and aren’t sure which apps and components will work best for them. It’s also a great place to test out the multilingual functionality of your favorite app, as some apps and elements are only compatible with one or more languages. You can always delete your app of choice if you change your mind, but don’t forget to backup your site before doing so.

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